Do You Have The Courage To Build A Multifamily Real Estate Empire?

Don't Invest In Another House Until You Find Out

How I turned $7 into a 800-million-dollar real estate empire.

My name is Vinney “Smile” Chopra.

I always smile…

Not because I'm wealthy (although it helps).

I smile because I love life and helping others achieve financial freedom through multifamily investing.

I came from India in the 1970s with less than $7 in my pocket. Today I have syndicated over 35 apartment building acquisitions, all using other people's money.

You may not know about syndication, but I believe it’s the fastest and safest way to build wealth in real estate…

Even if you have very little money and have no idea how to get other people to invest with you, you can learn to be an effective real estate syndicator.

You're Probably Wondering...

What Is Apartment Syndication?

I'll get to that in a moment, but first, I want to discuss "conventional" real estate investing.

Most people believe real estate is just a side hustle.

A great way to build a second income so that "one day" they can retire and live happily ever after…

But for most, that day never comes.

Like most real estate investors, I started with single-family homes. I made some good money, but over time I discovered that -houses are not as profitable as you might hope.

You buy a property, rent it, make a few hundred dollars of cashflow… Then you take your cash flow and equity and use them to

acquire your next property…

Rinse and repeat, and you’re on your way to easy street... Right?


Then a tenant moves out, and you've got to invest thousands of dollars to get the property back to "livable."

All your profit evaporates in one month.

Or perhaps you've been more successful, and you've been able to acquire lots of properties, but then you find your next super-profitable deal, but the banks won’t loan you any more money.

Suddenly your business growth comes to a screeching halt…

Not because of your credit; you've got great credit and great tenants.

Because bankers understand risk - and single-family homes are risky when you have one house and one tenant.

When that tenant moves out, you have no income, but you still have to make the payment.

If you have 30, 50, or even 100 homes, and 30% of your tenants move out in a month (this can and does happen)...

Suddenly, you've got a bunch of payments that ALL need to be made while you are bleeding money to get all the units painted,

cleaned, and back in rent-ready shape.

It's risky and exhausting.

In addition, single-family homes can have some of the highest income tax of any real estate investment if you sell them in under a


So you decide to invest in apartment buildings instead, and everything will be better.

After all, banks loan on multifamily based on the net cash flow instead of the buyer's credit alone. So you look and find a great

deal on an apartment building only to find out you might need as much as 40% down payment which can be hundreds of thousands of

dollars (or even millions).

You feel stuck because to play in the big game; you need money

But to make money, you need assets that produce consistent cash flow…

And to acquire assets, you need money, lots of it. It’s like being on the “it takes money to make money” merry-go-round.

Unless you are sitting on millions, it’s hard to break into the commercial real estate market…

Unless you use other people's money...

Syndication To The Rescue.

Syndication is the process of pooling money so that all the parties can share in the profitability of an investment. But syndicating multifamily apartment buildings is a complex process, when performed correctly, allows you to…

  • Acquire world-class properties instead of properties in war zones.

  • Provide you and your investors with phenomenal returns, which keeps them investing with you for years to come.

  • Have massive tax incentives which limit the amount you and your investors have to pay to Uncle Sam.

  • Amass wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

However, syndication performed incorrectly can send you to bankruptcy, cause you to lose your investors’ money, or worse, send you

to prison. But don’t let fear of failure derail you…


I’m the author of the #1 best-selling book on the subject, Apartment Syndication Made Easy.

In my book, I dive deep into my proprietary process of The Five Plates.

If you’ve ever been to a circus, you've seen performers who spin plates effortlessly and efficiently.

Many people apply negative connotations to spinning plates.

I don’t see it this way.

In business, many responsibilities have to be addressed to assure success. Either take care of the responsibilities yourself, share them with partners or hire employees who help you get them done.

There are 5 specific areas of syndication.

Once you understand and perfect them, you’ll have everything you need to acquire your first apartment building…

And when you do, you’re on your way to a lifestyle most believe is impossible.

And when you learn my system of apartment syndication, study it, and perfect it… You can acquire your first

apartment building through syndication.

Still Not Sure... Watch this video

What others say about Vinney's Multifamily Syndication Academy.

I love receiving these videos, and I can’t wait for you to send me your video after you close your first syndication.

Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than when others use my proven process to create a life with more time with family, the lifestyle of

your dreams, and the money to do what you want when you want to do it.

That’s why I created the Multifamily Syndication Academy.

In the Multifamily Syndication Academy is a deep dive into apartment syndication without the price tag of one-on-one coaching.

You'll discover everything you need to do to syndicate your first multifamily acquisition using other people's money.

For years I’ve offered one-on-one coaching, and if you want to fast track your success in syndication, you can apply to have direct

one-on-one access to my team and me. We'll take you through the process of understanding and implementing my syndication


But for most, one-on-one coaching is out of reach, because as you can imagine, my time is expensive, so my coaching

fees start at $100,000.

But it’s worth every penny because if all you do is acquire ONE apartment complex, you could make 5 or even 10 times that amount on your first deal.

You’re probably thinking, Vinney, I don’t have a hundred thousand dollars to hire you as my mentor.

I get it.

I created the Multifamily Syndication Academy for you. 

  • How to find the money to fund your first syndication and why this is one of the easiest steps. ($5,000 value).

  • How to get brokers and agents to give you off-market deals that can make you millions ($5,000 value).

  • How to find the most profitable markets in the country and why THESE markets are where fortunes are made (and most investors don’t even know they exist). ($5,000 value).

  • How to get the best property managers to manage your properties while you sit back and sip cold drinks on the beach in Tahiti – And why the right property managers are your key to unlock bank financing that otherwise would be impossible to get approved. ($5,000 value – actually earning money while you sleep is priceless).

  • How to know with extreme certainty if an apartment building will be profitable or will send you to the poor house – In module 4, you'll uncover ALL OF My underwriting secrets to multifamily apartment deals that can increase your profits on one deal by 10 times. ($5,000 value)

  • How to qualify for multimillion-dollar mortgages even if you have average credit and very few assets ($5,000 value)

  • How to raise all of the money you need to purchase any size apartment building and how to keep the SEC from throwing you in jail – No Bernie Madoff stories with my students. ($5,000 value)

And there’s so much more…
My team and I take you through the entire process step by step, and you receive lifetime access to all of the materials.
If you take decisive action, implement each lesson, you’ll syndicate your first multifamily apartment deal.
I could charge $35,000 for The Multifamily Syndication Academy because it’s worth every penny.
Think about this for a moment…
If you can become proficient at syndicating multifamily real estate deals, you’ll be able to build wealth faster than any other method and even retire in 3 to 5 years.
What would that be worth to you?
Would that be worth at least $35,000?
My coaching clients will tell you it’s worth far more than that.
What would it be worth to you…

  • To quit your job and have the time freedom to do what you want to when you want to do it?

  • To never HAVE work another day the rest of your life?

  • To live where you want to live while your income comes in every month like clockwork because you have an experienced management team?

  • To spend the majority of your time with your family instead of 50 to 60 hours a week with your coworkers?

I know how much these all mean to me.

Let me cut to the chase.

I could retire now, but…

The way I give back is to help people like you to achieve
your goals through syndication.

The best part is, to enroll in the Multifamily Syndication Academy,
you’re not going to pay anywhere close to $35,000.

You won’t pay $25,000

Enroll Now and Get Full Access To
The Multifamily Syndication Academy 



$97/ Month

For 12 Months - Includes Lifetime Access After 12 Monthly Payments



Includes Lifetime Access

Don't wait. Enrollment is limited. Like a university...

Registration closes and you could miss your chance.

Bonus #1 

You'll receive Vinney’s Deal Underwriting Tool Kit.

I use my underwriting tool kit to determine whether or not to invest in a property.

This isn't some free add-on; my team and I use this tool on every deal.

We've spent 15 years perfecting the underwriting process, and you’ll receive this invaluable tool as a BONUS. 

I could EASILY charge $5,000 for this alone, and you’ll get it immediately as a bonus.

Bonus #2

If you are one of the first 25 students to enroll, you'll get ONE MONTH of free access to MY WEEKLY GROUP MENTORING CALLS FOR FREE.

On these calls, my team and I guide you through the actions necessary to set up your syndication business, discuss active deals, underwriting properties, and help you get your first syndication under your belt.

This FREE month is worth 10 TIMES the price of admission.

To qualify you have to be one of the first 25 to sign up.

Don't wait. Enrollment is limited. Like a university...

Registration closes and you could miss your chance.

Vinney’s Syndicate a Deal in 1 Year Guarantee

It’s 100% safe to join the academy. Go through the academy, do all the assignments, attend the group coaching call, use our deal analyzer to determine the right properties, follow our system… In other words, DO the work.

Because if you do, I’m confident that you will complete your first syndication in the next 12 months. If for ANY reason you don’t, send me an email, and I’ll give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked.

Enroll Now and Get Full Access To
The Multifamily Syndication Academy 



$97/ Month

For 12 Months - Includes Lifetime Access After 12 Monthly Payments



Includes Lifetime Access

Enroll Now and Get Full Access To
The Multifamily Syndication Academy 


FOR ONLY $997 or $97 Per Month

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The Multifamily Syndication Academy

For Just $997 or $97 Per Month

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